Community Success Services in Virginia Beach, VA

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Providing basic tools for financial success is an important step in improving the lives of your family members. Success is heightened when parents and children learn together and support one another in making smart, beneficial money decisions. This workshop provides the tools to help families openly discuss money matters and gain the critical life skills needed to make smart financial choices. Key content includes understanding wants versus needs, setting savings goals, earning money, shopping wisely, planning, and banking.

Credit 101

People have become increasingly dependent on credit. Therefore, it’s crucial that you understand personal credit reports and your credit rating (or score). Here, we’ll explore what a credit score is, how it is determined, why it is important, and, finally, some tips to acquire and maintain good credit.

Our purpose is to provide information to assist consumers seeking credit repair and help them make an educated decision regarding debt reduction and elimination.

Homeownership 101

The purpose of the homebuyer education program is to educate and counsel prospective homebuyers to make informed, voluntary decisions about the homebuying process. The series covers topics such as finding the right mortgage product, working with a Realtor, fair housing, home inspection, and budgeting.

Career Planning/Job Readiness

Job readiness training programs prepare participants to get, keep, and excel at a new job. Basic employability skills include effective communication, problem-solving, resume-building, and interviewing. Job readiness training programs also help participants develop good work habits that facilitate their ongoing success. Workshops typically include lectures, discussions, and role-playing exercises. Job readiness programs may also provide transportation and childcare.