Our Values
1. To respect the dignity and worth of each individual by providing professional services with compassion and humility.
2. To provide direct services to individuals and families through education, counseling, shelter, support, and advocacy.
3. To ensure ethical and moral conduct at all times and in all relationships.
4. To honor diversity and to provide services with sensitivity to differences in race, culture, gender, language, age, religion, disability, and sexual orientation.
5. To ensure access to services through overcoming barriers, vigorous outreach, and service delivery in homes, schools, and the community.
6. To take a leadership role with other community members in planning and advocating to improve social conditions on a local, state, and national level.
7. To hold ourselves professionally accountable for our effectiveness by measuring the outcomes and impact of agency services.
8. To create a work environment that honors our staff as our most valuable resource.
9. To establish the agency as a continually learning, adaptive, and innovative organization that expands services to meet challenging community needs.
10. To maintain quality and excellence in all agency activities.